Apricity - For A Better You

Meet Lee

Lajoyce’s Story

Chris’ Story

Welcome to Apricity. For a better you.

Hypnosis, NLP, life coaching, mojo restoring, help, therapy – call it what you will!

I help people. Fast.

I’m a Master Practitioner of Hypnotherapy, NLP and Timeline therapy, I use a unique blend of advanced techniques to help you take down barriers in your life. If there’s a limiting belief, anxiety, phobia, maybe a lack of motivation, insomnia or even chronic pain, help is at hand and likely faster than you think. Usually within 3 sessions. I see it as my job to get you out of therapy, not keep you in it.

I can work with you either in person or over zoom, I’ve worked with clients in Australia, USA, Canada and New Zealand so your location is never an issue!

I will help you get from where you are now to where you want to be. If  you are needing to take control of your life, perhaps you want to release negative emotions from past trauma, conquer anxieties, or maybe you have a phobia that, if removed, can improve your everyday life, talk to me. I’d love to help you.

Sessions available in person or over Zoom – wherever you are in the world!



Using proven techniques I can help you overcome a number of hurdles be it a phobia, insomnia, anxiety, chronic pain, motivation, bad habits and more.

We’ll discuss what’s holding you back in your life and work out the fastest way to fix it.

Click on the Hypnotherapy tab for more info.


I can help you to a better understanding of yourself and others. I can teach you to have a fast understanding of others (reading) and adapt your communication skills accordingly to get the response and results you want.

If you are a business owner, HR executive or leader seeking improved culture, performance and alignment from your teams, find out how I can help improve teamwork through understanding human behaviours.

I run half day or full day sessions for teams (upto 10 people) on personality types, how to build instant rapport and Transactional Analysis. The sessions are plain speaking, fun and interactive.

I can give you and your team an ‘edge’ when dealing with others both inside and outside of your business.

“It has turned out to be one of the best decision I have ever made! I noticed an improvement in how I was feeling after the very first appointment.”

“I’m finally free of the mental prison I had been in and able to move on with my life.”

“My relationships with everyone & everything are so different. Especially my relationship with myself and my own mind.”

“To anyone wanting to change their life, please don’t hesitate in going.”

“Just done a food shop and passed by all the crap stuff I’d usually buy. I didn’t even realise it until get home and unpacked my shopping, wow!”

“After being such a nervous driver for so many years I can now drive a distance confidently and easily, it’s literally changed my life!”

“This is just mad, I feel none of those negative emotions…You’re truly amazing!!”

“I’m feeling so good, that feeling has completely gone! I can’t believe it worked so fast, you’re basically Merlin!”

“Slept really well last night for the first time in so long, you’re a miracle worker”

“It was a seamless experience and the results came after the very first session!”

“Once we’d uncovered the root cause of why I had this problem, Lee sorted it within a couple of sessions.”

“Lee, thank you so much for helping me to let go, I feel so much more secure and confident in myself.”

“My attitude has completely changed since my time with Lee and I have so much to thank him for!”

“I’m feeling so much more relaxed, I’ve been called up by the hospital to have the op this week and I’m not feeling the panic and anxiety that I felt earlier.”

Apricity - For A Better You

Apricity ; ‘to feel the warmth of the sun in the winter’, from the Latin ‘apricari’ meaning “to bask in the sun.”